Monday, September 12, 2011

Special Education Department joins the National Consortium of Leadership in sensory disabilities

(December 3, 2009) The Department of special education has been appointed member of the National Consortium on Leadership and sensory disabilities. This designation will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students specializing in educating students who have a sensory impairment.

The Consortium will provide the opportunity for 30 qualified applicants to pursue a Phd study unique experience working with the education of children, toddlers, children or young people who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/vision impaired, or deaf-blind. These positions offer a once in a lifetime opportunity to pursue doctoral studies and individual to be part of a larger collaborative communities of learners.

Illinois State was recognized as a member of this national consortium because the Department of special education "has the infrastructure to support a PhD student in full time areas, sensory disabilities," said Stacy Kelly, Assistant Professor of special education.

"Being a member of the Consortium Universities National Leadership Consortium for sensory disabilities brought more national recognition and visibility for the Department of special education and Illinois State University," said Kelly.

Illinois State students vying for one of the 25 positions offered by the consortium must be accepted first doctorate in special education, and then be selected by the Consortium NLCSD through an application process. Application information will be available in the coming weeks at the website NLSCD.

Although the selection process is competitive, acceptance in consortium, full-time students will receive significant financial aid to support four years of full-time study. The first national cohort of students will be selected to begin studies in the fall of 2010.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Education, the National Leadership Consortium includes 23 different universities by the State of Illinois. For more information about the program.

View the original article here

Peliculas Online


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