Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trevor Fisher: "stop playing politics with the curriculum '"

The Government says, below on "soft" exam topics crack it is. But the emphasis on the League tables also pressures schools for the wrong decisions, argues Trevor FisherSchools now face contradictory pressures to climb the league tables and to steer their pupils towards more academic exam subjects REX FEATURESschools are to climb now contradictory pressure to the League tables and to control their students towards more academic exams

It is a fact of school life controversial Government policies often unobserved, late July announced will be. It would be a pity if the changes to the school introduced league tables, on 20 July, accurate testing bypassed. Consultation on the plans closes at the end of September. Educators need to with little time remaining to get their skates on influence what Michael Gove and his team plan.

On the surface, the changes only for vocational qualifications of school league tables to remove are displayed 16-plus. This move comes in the wake of the Wolf report on professional qualifications in schools, the explosion rightly criticizes vocational subjects - the GNVQ and his successor, BTEC - key stage 4. Professor Alison Wolf made this to climb on the drive of league tables.

The test numbers are disturbing. Won before their adoption in 2004 as 'equivalent' GCSE only 1.882 students level 2 courses-the ultimate A *-c-grades at GCSE in vocational subjects. But by 2009-10, 462.182 students these railways. It's hard to argue, with Professor Wolf comment that: "..." Schools have been under enormous pressure, piling up the League table points. "If no qualification under the English Sun can contribute to the negative effects are obvious." True, but it is not the fault of the teachers. Both league tables and equivalent were allows professional political decisions.

Can there be no doubt that explosion in equivalents of league tables, not the student was expelled. Michael Gove wrote in the introduction to the report Wolf, that it was "morally wrong", that students of league table reasons, courses of "little or none value". In his speech in June at the National College for school, he went further argued that: "... the introduction of a large number of vocational qualifications, the GCSE performance tables led to widespread games of skills." "The 4,000 percent increase in the number of the qualifications made in just six years is testimony to this."

Gove chose this "gaming" call. This was a very cynical development, what it means. It concerns among observers across the political spectrum. Anastasia de Waal of the conservative think-tank of CIVITAS particularly with Labour MP Tristram hunt in the question who worked excluded academic qualifications to 16-plus. Raised Terry Wrigley, a critic of the Government, questions about the labour market. He wrote: "It is important, the question of the" street value "this replacement qualifications: employers were expected to, say, a GNVQ in computer science and a (c) in the art as the equivalent of five A * C look at types?"

Part of the answer is implied by the Department for education (DfE), which States that future qualifications "must offer students transition into a wide range of post-16 qualifications instead of only a few in one or two occupational fields". Or some professional subjects are simply put, qualifications to dead end dead end jobs. How could this officially considered was as good as or better than GCSEs?

The new proposals are, unfortunately hardly radical. The consultation is to new structures that lead by September 2012. The new options are considered not until 2014 and will be the first of the new league tables in January 2015. Equivalences will thus continue to be used in 2011, 2012 and 2013 league tables. The immediate change is only to limit, which can be used from 3 to 2 in the next three years the number of equivalencies. This means that the League tables for at least three years to offer the impasses qualifications, which criticized by Professor Wolf. As these can have credibility in a situation, the English high school ("EBAC") - a purely academic framework - is an open question the leading indicator for the media.

2014 is a long way, and it is clear, Gove or his successor will be under pressure, League table successes - in fact with raised the national challenge threshold for "bad" schools is 35 percent of the students getting A * supply-C or corresponding to, and then to 50% by 2015, pressure to heading pass rates increase will strengthen. Need real doubts exist, whether the Government will keep the line, such as memories fade of what Professor Wolf wrote. In addition, there is the crucial factor in this league tables.

Schools not soft Professional exams for fun opt for. It's not their fault, the they "game was have"-the educational equivalent of the professional foul. Alison Wolf pointed out, they were under "tremendous pressure, the League are piling up table points". In theory, they are free to do that for at least three years. But with EBAC exist, a different set of pressure on the schools.

Despite the official line that EBAC is optional, it is in fact the new set of criteria for school success. Most will do to embrace it. So schools are counted have gone from a situation where no qualifications under the Sun, a role, where only five subject groups. The wild swings of the focus from one extreme to the other are untenable and politically motivated.

The situation is unacceptable. Soft vocational subjects are harmful, and should be abolished all deliberate speed, EBAC driven while a biased curriculum as well as bad. The English system has failed with vocational training for a century and a half, and a combination of EBAC and league tables can the options close again.

Are clear with the Government schools under pressure entirely abandon vocational subjects favouring a purely academic training. Others will seek to maintain the vocational subjects as it is currently permitted to do, but danger they are in the eyes of the media. Is a new grammar secondary modern is threatening parts? If schools are then to be tested on how many students at universities in the Russell Group, a more controversial proposal while get the summer it can be undoubtedly the schools will be successful and that would fail.

Educators should strictly control the plans. It is wrong, the impression that resources will run out quickly. Vocational subjects are but not abolished, was be. In addition, the idea that can make schools in the world of EBAC completely free decisions for their students is not credible. League tables rule, and what is counted league tables is of crucial importance. One shared system could develop unless the consultation, generated a balanced curriculum for the future along with league tables, the fair and lenses are. Control is required, both before and after the September date establish exactly what is decided.

Gove and his ministers end games can in secondary schools?

Trevor is a historian, teacher and educational affairs

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