Monday, September 12, 2011

Elizabeth Skinner: working for change through the bilingual education program

By Lauren Huffman

"We all have the same philosophy and faith in what we are doing, and we work very well together. Our goal is to advocate for bilingual education programs for students and English language throughout the State. "— Elizabeth Skinner, Assistant Professor of bilingual education, Curriculum and instruction

(15 October 2010) Elizabeth Skinner online, there is no such thing as a typical day. On top of teaching Curriculum & education 211 students at the small village PDS and work as a link to the small village PDS school teaches students non-traditional evening for Paraprofessionals bilingual training cohort of Chicago.

One of the things Skinner has learned in his work as a PDS and instructor is that it is important to develop relationships with staff, teachers and administrators in schools in Chicago. "Through the construction of confidence within the schools going in, I can develop better relations with teachers who mentor our teachers student."

Skinner is a firm believer in starting small when trying to make a change. "I am interested in involvement of community-based organizations in education reform," he says. Working with a small team to Illinois State (in fact there is only one other faculty member and a support specialist in bilingual education program), but she knows that bilingual education students benefit from the cohesion of the programme as well by learning on the site in the PDS sites in Chicago.

Skinner, along with fellow bilingual education, strives to be a voice in support of bilingual education and English language students. You acknowledge that many children entering schools come from homes where English is not the main language, and its mission is to support education and the integration of students in our school systems.

She tries to instill in Illinois State students "need to be advocates for families and students. Should be great teachers and students, but they need a lawyer for what is right for their students and families. "

Skinner urges its students to become advocates for English-speaking students and their families. "You can only do that by understanding second language acquisition theory, knowing the research that supports the bilingual education, implementing best practices and including families, the student's language and culture in the classroom in the form of best practice."

It's been a lifelong love of the Spanish language which led Skinner to teaching, although not her first career path. "I considered other fields, but my ability to speak Spanish and respect for different cultures Latin eventually led me to bilingual education."

Perhaps what led Skinner at Illinois State University is the originality of the programme Professional Development School (PDS). "The opportunity to experience the PDS sets the College of Education, in addition to other teacher training programs," he said.

One of the most rewarding parts of the work of Skinner is that she has the opportunity to see his students go to modify and develop the educational system. "I see a lot of light bulbs going on in class and students bring such valuable life experiences for the program and teaching. I feel like we are building a critical mass of bilingual educators in Chicago (and throughout the State) that can become true supporters for students of English. "

View the original article here

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