The magazine of the College of Education
Spring 2010
Within these pages you will read about how we imbue our educator preparation programs with hundreds of thousands of intersecting trade among our students, faculty, staff and partners of public/private school, PK-12. It is through these relationships that scored one goal to advance our knowledge of how to improve student achievement begins to take shape. Expert content, pedagogy and the development of skills combine to create models of educator preparation spanning the gap between school and University environments. Teacher and school administrator candidates benefit from this lively exchange of ideas and strategies that impacts learning through these educational settings.
Read this issue.
Partnership: a sample of programs and initiatives
A private gift to teachers
Ashley Mayor: a teacher, researcher and professional growing
Andrea Dinar: Forging partnerships in special education administration
Becoming a good teacher takes time
Years of service
In memoriamProfessional development partnerships as teacher of Illinois
International partnershipsFrom the Director of development
Special gift designated for Mary and Jean Borg Center for reading and literacy
U-high Center named for John l. Wroan, III
New scholarships and facilities for the College of EducationInputs in the College of education Alumni Hall of Fame honored
Scholarships presented to students of College of Education
Faculty Awards
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