Saturday, September 10, 2011

Meet recipients FY 2010 COE URG Research Fellowship

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C&I — Department of Curriculum and Instruction

EAF — Department of Educational Foundations and Administration

SED — Department of Special Education

2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001

Investigating practices of college-age literacy tutors

Where is the trickster? Exploring traditional and multimedia texts written for and read by youth

Exploring perspectives on addressing children's challenging behaviors among student teachers in tradtional versus professional development (PDS) placements

Strategic data leadership: An examination of principal behaviors using data that improve math teaching and learning outcomes in high performing high poverty Illinois school districts

Examining the effect of an online and blended professional development model on faculty pedagogical and philosophical approaches to teaching

Identifying the professional development needs of teachers supporting students with a dual diagnosis of Deafness and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders: Learning to use persuasive writing as a means to self-advocate for their needs

Using electronic photographic activity schedules to promote self-management and acquisition of incidental information for students with intellectual disabilities

Working toward a better understanding for tomorrow: Assessing the postsecondary outcomes of young adults who are visually impaired in the U.S.

Trends in teacher practices and preparedness to work with complex learners

Using verbal protocol analysis to investigate the comprehension reading strategies of students who use Text-to-Speech technology

Entrepreneurial innovation among principals and teachers: Boundary crossing that builds systemic capacity to improve learning for every student

Building a case for the future: Assessing the assistive technology use by students who are visually impaired in the U.S.

Assessing learning outcomes in a blended and flexible environment

Parent intervention project: Working with parents of preschoolers to promote social and emotional competencies and reduce challenging behaviors in young children

The impact of a one-to-one laptop initiative on high school student literacy practices

Seeds of fire: African American indigenous knowledge and school preparation

Exploring adolescents’ and teachers’ classification of children’s and adolescent literature

Roles and responsibilities of transition specialists: Case studies of an emerging profession

An Investigation of Assistive Technology Use in Braille Instruction

Experiences of Male Child Care Teachers as They Support Young Children with Challenging Behaviors

The Influence of Online Training Workshops on Online Teaching and Learning

Fathers of Young Children with Disabilities: Perceived Roles, Responsibilities, and Support Needs

Administrators’ Perspectives on Including Children with Challenging Behaviors in Early Childhood Settings

Producing Knowledge, creating a social movement?: Examining the transformative possibilities offered by hip hop music and culture for civic engagement among Latina/o youth in Chicago

School Culture Elements from the Perspective of Teachers and Administrators: A Case Study of Kenya

Investigation of the Professional Development Needs of Practicing Directors of Special Education in Illinois

An Investigation of Perspectives of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Regarding Work-Family Balance and Workplace Support

The Essence of the Principal’s Role in Selected Exemplary Illinois Middle Schools

Investigating Multiple Modalities in the Composing Processes of Kindergarten Writers

New languages, new literacies: Learning to teach on the edge of "Normal"

Indentifying indicators for teachers' persistence in high-need schools: A longitudinal project involving 2000 graduates

How Does Academic Capitalism Influence the Quality of Faculty and Institution in American Higher Education?

Experiences of Immigrant Parents of Children with Disabilities: Transition from Early Intervention to School-Based Services

The Only One in the Class: Alienation, Coping, and Resistance among African-American and Latino Students at a Predominately White University

Using Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) technique to examine the effects of both Student-level and School Level Variables on Language Achievement

An Investigation of the Relationship Between Special Education and Parents of Children with Disabilities

The Inter-rater reliability of the SIS-Children

An Investigation of Relationships between Mothers of School-Aged-Children with Visual Impairments and Education Professionals

Middle School and Early Childhood Teachers' ability to Identify Students who are Divergent Thinkers

Siblings of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Lived Experiences and Support Needed

An Investigation of Problems Reported by Student Teachers at the Elementary Level

The Relationship of Parents of Children with ASD and Education Professionals: A Longitudinal Study of Four Families

Negotiating Strategies for Critical Response to Young Adult Novels

Developing Assessment Tools to Evaluate the Acceptability and Effectiveness of Family Assessment Portfolios

Exploring discursive practices within a new literacies framework: Multilingualism, multiliteracies, and K-8 teacher development

Socializing the Young Reader: The Representation of Fatness in Caldecott Winners

Induction as Professional Learning Community: Understanding the Perceived Needs of New Teachers

Continuing the story: An examination of students' writing self-efficacy at grades K, 1, and 6

A developmental perspective: Maternal scaffolding in a mathematical context

The Grading Dilemma: An Examination of Learner-centered Assessment in a Summative Culture

Passing time online: What does the 4th estate say about our time in synthetic worlds?

Researching the Best Practices Improvement Spiral Model

An Investigation into the Process of Parental Advocacy

An Investigation of Self-Assessment Techniques with Middle School Students with and without Disabilities

Using an Adapted Power Card Strategy to Facilitate Interactivity Transitions of Young Children with Developmental Delays

An Examination of Preservice Teacher Preparedness: A Cooperating Teacher Perspective

Learning Through Drama in a Middle School Classroom: A Case Study of One Teacher's Literacy Practices

Providing a Lens for Professional Development School Research: Why Teacher Candidates Choose a Professional Development School versus Traditional Teacher Preparation

The Students are Talking: Student Evidence of a Professional Learning Community

Effect of Pantomime Approach: A New Teaching Strategy in College Mathematics Education

Strategic Planning in Higher Education: A Case Study of "Educating Illinois," the Strategic Plan for Illinois State University

Buying into Smartness: A Study of the Cultural Production of Smartness within the Media and its Connections

Reflection for Understanding: Developing a Tool to Gain Insight into Students' Understanding of Their Own Learning

Linking Individual and Institutional Factors to Mathematics Achievement: A Statewide Study

Lunchtime Conversations between High School Students with Multiple Disabilities and Their Nondisabled Peers: Comparative Effects of Programmed and Incidental Use of Social Stories Software within Augmentative/Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices

"I have a job ... but can I make a difference?" A pilot study exploring the relationship between job selection and use of learned educational practices by special education graduates.

Analyzing Type and Use of Communication and Educational Technologies by College Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Perceptions of Trust in Education Professionals: Insights of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Exploring Professional Development Needs and Preferences of Practicing Teachers Who Serve Learners with Moderate, Severe, and Multiple Disabilities

What do first-year special education teachers want and need for a successful induction to the profession?

Classroom Reading Instruction of National Board Teachers: An Investigation into Teaching Comprehension

Analyzing in-Service Teachers' Knowledge and Skill of Oral-Auditory Competencies for Teaching Children who are Deaf with Cochlear Implants

An Exploration of Faculty Job Satisfaction in American Universities: Race and Immigrant Status

An Investigation of the Viability of the Picture Exchange Communication System as a Functional Communication System in Employment Settings

Self-Determination: Hearing the Voices of Adults with Disabilities

Assessing Implementation of the National Geography Standards Using Student Performance as a Criterion

Using computer-based instructional supplements to enhance high school students' knowledge and skills in selected difficult chemistry topics

The Use of an Attentional Cue/Response System to Decrease the Task Initiation Latency Periods of Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Educational Settings

Perceptions and Practices of Secondary Education Personnel in the Implementation of Transition Services for Youth with Disabilities

A Case Study Examination of the Initiation Strategies Used by a Deaf and a Hearing Teacher

The Personal Beliefs and Implementation Practices of Expert Assistive Technology Users

What Matters: Effective Teaching for African American Students

Eliminating Common Algebraic Errors Using Computer-Mediated Instruction

The Status of Advisor-Advisee Programs in Middle Schools in Illinois

Literacy Apprenticeship in Career Education

Effectiveness of the Asynchronous Science Center

Learning About Literacies

The Illinois State University-Thailand Doctoral Program: A Case Study of Higher Education Administration

Assessment Literacy and the Preparation of Teachers and Principals

Developing a Content Analysis Instrument

A Synthesis of Research on the Intersection of the State Standards Movement and the Multicultural Education Reform Movement in American Public Schools

Inquiry in Teacher Education: An Instrument to Achieve Judgment

Characteristics and Evaluation of Successful Doctoral Cohort Programs

Large Scale Secondary Education: Using Case Studies to Benchmark Best Practices

Examining White Identity Development in Preservice Middle Level Teachers

Using Systematic Instructional Procedures to Teach Breast Self-Examination to Adults with Developmental Disabilities

The Picture Exchange Communication System: validating Early Intervention Practices for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The Relative Efficacy of Co-taught Classes as Special Education Placements

Facilitating Reflection on Instructional Interactions by Special Education Teacher Candidates

Sustaining Innovation for Technology Use Through Staff Development Activities

Educating Illinois: The Role of Symbolic Interaction in Producing, Negotiating, and Managing Change in Organizational Culture

Teaching Economics in Philosophy of Education Courses

Embedded Liberal Education: A Strategic Policy of University Education in the 21st Century

Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of Actual and Preferred Dimensions of School Culture: Context Considerations in Conceptualizing and Measuring School Culture

New Teacher Certification Requirements in Illinois: Current Responses and Future Possibilities

Teacher Education at Three Professional Development Schools: An Inquiry ...

Bilingual Readers in the Transition Classrooms: Responding to a Written Text Affectively

Mapping the Intersections Between the "Global" and the "Local:" Foreign Graduate Students in American Higher Education

Collaborative Complexities: Difference, Discontinuity, and Power in a Teacher Study Group

Identifying and Addressing IEP/ITP Objectives Related to Self-Determination for Students with Physical or Multiple Disabilities

Comparison of Undergraduate Education Students in a Four Year Professional Development School with Those in a Traditional On-Campus Education Program

A Survey of Special Education Administrators in Illinois: Understanding Personnel Training Needs in the Area of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Development of a Functional Vision Assessment for Children with Multiple Disabilities. Phase 2.

Leadership Personnel in Special Education

Knowledge, Use, & Value of Special Education "Best Practices": Perceptions of Cooperating Professionals

Analyzing the Need for Oral-Auditory Methods for Deaf Children with Cochlear Implants: A Needs Assessment Survey

Internet Video Conferencing: Supporting Staff Development on the Use of Alternative Assessment for Students with Disabilities

Study of Women School Leaders

Minority Faculty Retention in Higher Education: A Case Study

Focusing On Student voices: Critical Classroom Inquiry in a Primary Classroom

Exploring the Impact of a Technologically Rich Teacher Education Curriculum on Interns in a Professional Development School: Data Analysis

Student Perceptions of Science Efficacy and Consequences for Classroom Environments

Reading logically: Helping Students Develop Critical Reading Skills

The Effect of Service Learning on Student Self-Efficacy in Schools of Varying Socio-Economic Status

The Power of the Pen: Critical Educators at Work

Middle School Students Teaching Leisure Skills to Peers with Disabilities

The Development of a Self-Handicapping Strategies Scale: Item Refinement and Characteristics of a Research Instrument

Facilitating Social Interaction Between Children Who Are Deaf and Their Hearing Peers: A Guided Intervention

Empirical Analysis of Alternative Measurement Models of Community Adjustment

AV View from Within: Students' & Teachers' Experiences with Creating an Effective Alternative High School

Projected School Staffing Needs for the State of Illinois

School Vouchers: Public Aid to Private Religious Schools—Are They a Viable Method of School Choice?

The Impact of Mentoring Relationships on Career Advancement and Professional Development in Student Affairs

Living Without: Stories of Poverty in Rural Illinois

Understanding Poverty: An Exploration of How Educational Administration Programs Address the Issues of Poverty

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