(17 October 2009) With a large place in the Sun, popcorn and candy for everyone and a close-up view of the parade, the hospitality College of Education was the ideal place for all get into the spirit of school Redbirds and connect with old and new. Students, friends and family enjoyed more than 100 floats, including the University High School and school Metcalf marching band.
Alumnus John Tenny, 74, who was inducted into the College of Education Hall of Fame just earlier that morning, came from Oregon to participate in the festivities. "I haven't been to a college football game since 1959, so I thought it would be better to do this while I'm here." He and his wife enjoyed mingling with fellow alumni and faculty and staff.
Trisha Klass, Chair of the Department of educational administration and foundations was at hand to pop popcorn and distribute an abundance of freebies, including the torch and water bottles. Klass loves a chance to catch up with the Alumni of the College and to hear their stories. "It's really nice to hear what meant ISU to these people. Is really inspiring. "
The College wants to offer a special word of thanks to II Alamo for hosting of the College on the sidewalk outside their shop at 319 North Street and provide popcorn and popcorn machine.
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